Mahogany Obsidian Points


These Specimen’s were found in Glass Butte Oregon then carefully shaped and polished,

Obsidian is a naturally occurring volcanic glass formed when lava cools quickly with minimal crystal growth. It can be very sharp if pieces break off! Handle Carefully! In ancient times they used obsidian as a scalpel because of how sharp the stone is. It will cut so cleanly that the wound would heal with no scar. Obsidian comes in many different patterns and even colors.

Obsidian is known as a truth enhancing stone, it causes secrets to spill, remember that when you carry it. Obsidian is a protection stone, and helps you detoxify your body and mind. Place under a pillow and it will help to eliminate stress.

You will receive one of the points pictured, picked at random. If you prefer a more custom pick, please drop us a message.

Dimensions: 3.5-4 inches tall.

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